The Cocoon Stage

March 2024

The Cocoon Stage

The cocoon stage is an essential part of our growth. The time when we quiet down, are still and spend as much time as possible in self-reflection and introspection. It’s a natural part of life. Yes, even for extroverts. We need to connect to ourselves before we can truly connect to others, and we need to keep connecting due to life’s impermanence. Throughout our lives we are meant to grow and evolve so it makes sense that we need to return to the cocoon state many times in our lifetime.

In the cocoon stage we often refuse most social invitations, retreat into our homes and take time to breathe and be. It isn’t a rejection of our loved ones, it is a much-needed time to rest, renew and evolve. Let’s normalise the cocoon stage for what it is. A time of renewal, a time to reflect, recalibrate and renew ourselves. A chance to heal to fly high and shine brightly.

I am spending March in a cocoon. A place of introspection and growth. It is a dark place but it’s warm – like a comforting fluffy blanket. I’m not entering my cocoon from a place of sadness or hopelessness. More from a place of exhaustion – not the physical exhaustion that my body knows so well after a long gym session or a run, but the mental, ‘I’ve given it all’ exhaustion that means I am overstimulated, and my sleep is peppered with reminders and everyday thoughts, and I desperately need time to process and just be.

It is the exhaustion that comes when your mind needs a rest. When you need to focus and breathe. The exhaustion that creates a tangle of roots that you need to gently navigate around rather than risk severing. It takes preparation to cocoon properly. Advising people is very necessary because it can induce worry. People notice when you’re not there especially when you’re normally omnipresent.

So, my cocoon starts with me preparing those around me. In March I will be in my cocoon. I am doing a service to my wider circle by announcing this. I’m helping to normalise being in a cocoon. I’m helping to normalise the need for mental health breaks and I’m giving myself the gift of time with myself.

We can and should take a mental break without fear of judgment or missing out. The world will continue to turn, we’re allowed to step off a little occasionally. Cocooning is not only good for the soul it’s good for those around us.

My cocoon means no social media. (My business posts continue but they are pre-scheduled for the month). No scrolling. Limited TV and screen time. Yoga every, single day. My morning routine continues but I do longer and more meditations. I journal for longer periods. I hit the beach for runs more. The beach is my preferred contemplation zone. It makes my heart sing.

I keep important social commitments – I have an awards ceremony, a 50th birthday and a wedding in March but otherwise my time is limited to my family and our activities are as simple as possible. Swims, bush walks, long rambling beach walks with our puppy, cooking sessions with my daughter. Very simple, beautiful pleasures with presence being the most important part. By the end of March, I will be clearer, freer, more present and hopeful. Mental detoxes do that.

Why the mental detox? Why the cocoon. The start of the year has been very heavy for me. A total restructure of our company, a new book progressed into the editing process, some extraordinary sensory moments (hello Tay Tay, Pink and theatre shows) and the school year commencing. I have made several changes to ease up my year, but I find my mind already needs a detox.

So, cocoon I will. Yoga. Breathwork. Meditation. Journalling. Social media ban. Exercise. Wholefoods. Writing. Time at home. Sunrises. Sleep schedule absolutely enforced. Warm baths each night. Candlelight and limited excitement. I am seeking calm in which to process.

See you on the other side.
