Let them!

February 2024

Let them!

This was a bit of a light bulb moment for me. Mel Robbins calls it the let them movement. My sister – the Psychotherapist calls it allowing. It’s basically withdrawing your worry from things you can’t control. It’s allowing people, even your children, space to do them. It’s stopping that rising need to control which is at the heart of the issue and just allowing them to live their own journeys. They’re going to anyway, so why not take your angst out of it?

There is so much power in those two words. Let them.

If someone wants to cut you off in traffic. Let them.

If someone wants to push in line at the shops. Let the m.

If your child wants to head out with friends without an umbrella when the forecast is rain. Alert them to the forecast and if they don’t listen. Let them. They’ll learn their own way.

If people want to have affairs. Let them. You’re not doing it. They’re not doing it to you. They will face their own consequences.

Let them. Allow them the space to make their own decisions and to face their own consequences and judgements. Let them learn their way. Just let them.

Judge ourselves. Be ourselves. Breath and just live and let live. Let others do the same. Let them.

In letting them, in allowing others space to take agency for their own journeys we’re giving ourselves the freedom to just be. To focus our energies on ourselves. To breath and live our own lives.

So let them and focus on you.

Focus on your journey. On your consequences. On your joy and in doing so find you peace.

Let them.


Photo credit to Piper Puppy who is one of the best Let them lesson teachers I know. Her whole focus is on giving and receiving love and food. She’s not interested in judging or controlling anyone else. A perfect life!