Advocado People

February 2024
Avocado people.

I’m very interested in avocado people. What? You say, what the hell are avocado people?

Avocado people are beautiful on the outside. Cookie cutter beautiful. They tick all the boxes. Right size. Right shape. They look nice. They are in perfect proportion. They are the right colour. Unless nearly dead they show absolutely no signs of what’s inside. On the surface they are all very similar. Aside from some small size differences you have no way of telling what’s inside from their outsides. The inside is a complete mystery when simply looking. Ironic then – that we spend so much time judging people by how they look when it’s the inside that will affect us.

Anyway, I digress. You can touch avocados for ripeness, but even that is no guarantee of what the inside will be like. So why do we still pick people based on what they look like?

You know that pure disappointment you get when the perfect looking avocado is opened only to be rotten to the core. That’s how I feel with people.

It’s the insides we want to see but it’s the outside we’re shown. So maybe we need to get off our proverbial butts and look for the clues that tell us what’s inside. Of course, we can’t cut people open to check out their ripeness (not without heading to jail for a very long time) but we can tune in to how they make us feel, we can judge their actions not their words. Words are easy, it’s how we act that really shows who we are and yes, I do realise I used the word judge. In this case, we do need to judge. Judge whether someone is right for us.

That’s the next point. Not all good avocados taste good. They can look amazing on the inside, as well as the outside, but they just don’t taste as good as the other perfect avocado. That’s because not everyone is for us. Our people are our people. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason – some avocados just don’t taste as good and some people, not matter how good they are, just aren’t good for us.

There are also those avocadoes that are a little bit bad but taste amazing. Maybe just a little bit of badness in people is also sometimes a good thing. You know that outrageous friend that always makes you laugh. The partner that does those cheeky little funny things. I’m sure they can be our people too. Because perhaps perfection isn’t for us either.

I write this as I am about to eat the almost perfect avocado, a lovely shade of green with just a few blemishes, ironically it was cut open by my husband this morning. I muse on whether it will taste as good as it looks.